Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's a....

 On Thursday March 22, we found if Spencer was going to get a baby brother or a baby sister. 
When I got pregnant, I really didn't care if it was a boy or a girl.  If we had a another girl, we would already have all these clothes for her and I would love to dress up my two girls in matching clothes.  I never had a sister so I thought this would be really cool.  However, it would be nice to have at least one of each gender and we already had a boy name too.

I read in one of the many pregnancy magazines that magically show up at your house when you register on different websites and get sent home with from the doctor that women who dream about the gender of their baby usually have a baby of that gender.  Not sure how or why that works but...with Spencer I did dream it was a girl.  With this baby I had a dream too-I don't remember the dream I just remember waking up that morning and telling Jason that I dreamed this baby was a boy. 

At 12 weeks we also did the Intelligender test we did with Spencer.  I know this is really just a novelty test.  But it did work with Spencer.  For a girl-your urine doesn't change colors.  For a boy, the urine is supposed to turn blue.  Here is our test this time:

With this pregnancy I have also notice some major differences.  I have been way more tired-of course I also have one year old running around and creating new things for me to clean up.  I also cannot eat seafood with this baby-I could with Spencer.  With this baby I can actually eat red meat-I almost crave it along with more salty things.  With Spencer, I could not eat red meat and wanted sweets.  

So all of this led me to believe that this baby was most definitely a boy.   But either way, Jason and I didn't care but we wanted to find out at this ultrasound.  We had a boy name-that we decided on the night before.  We originally were going with a different boy name but couldn't settle on a first/middle name combination that we liked so we up and changed the whole thing.  But a girl name-we had NO IDEA.  So we were just hoping for a namesake that this was a boy or we would be back at square one for a name.  To insure this baby was up and moving, I had a small coffee from Starbucks.  Then we headed to the doctors.  Here is Spencer with me before we walked in.

 The ultrasound happened at our doctor's office this time.  Which was nice because it just went right along with my 20 week appointment.  She took us back and asked if we wanted to find out.  We said yes!  She went about taking her measurements and we both heard her refer to the baby as a girl.  I was thinking-oh no!  I don't have a name.  So Jason said, "Oh you already saw what the baby was?"  And she said no not yet.  Then she moved down to the bladder on the baby which was full and the ultrasound lady said, "Well it is a good thing you want to find out because I am not sure if I could hide this from you!"  You are pregnant with what is most definitely a BOY!!!!  Here is the still picture we got but in the ultrasound right after she showed the bladder, his man parts looked way bigger-I think he was peeing!  Whew-no more coming up with names. 

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