Wednesday, October 10, 2012

It's Fall Y'all

Today we went to the pumpkin patch.  It was the same one I took Spencer to last year only-a whole lot different for us this year.  Last year, I had just gotten over a sore back and was doing my best to balance letting Spencer run everywhere and carrying her when she got tired.  This year, I brought TWO kids to the patch and was trying to balance letting Spencer do it all and keeping a baby warm and fed.  We had a great time.  Spencer thought the tractor for the hayride was a "choo-choo" and she didn't really want to take many pictures but I got a few in with some goldfish bribes!   Oh what mommies will do!   Here are a few comparison pics and some new pics:

Last year:

This year:

 "No Mommy!"  She didn't want her picture taken but she wanted to swing!

 Last year:

 This year:

Last year:


This year:

Last year I was on my tippy toes:

This year my whole head was over the fence:
Just for fun: