Wednesday, November 12, 2008

God is so GOOD!

So, right now I am sitting at my uncle's computer in Phoenix, AZ. I am here visiting some of my family, including my maternal grandparents (and lets just say that it is a miracle that my grandfather got on the plane.) So as some of you know, we have really been praying that I would have job opportunity come through that would allow me to not be as stressed as I have been at past jobs but also allow me to work with students who need support and teaching from a trained professional like me. Well...I was also worried about this trip that I had coming up, because as much as I wanted a job, I also did not want to pass up the opportunity to come out here and see my new cousin. Two weeks ago, I went to an interview at a Title I school about 10 min from my house and loved the atmosphere and environment along with the challenge that the hispanic population would bring to me. I hadn't heard anything from the interview for almost a week and a half and had pretty much convinced myself that I did not get the job and that God must have another place planned for me. But then today, I was getting ready with my cousin who brought me my phone that was ringing. I missed the call, but called back immediatly after I heard the message. God is so good-he has given me this opportunity to serve a population in need of support. I feel so blessed because even though I know that I am over qualified for the position, I know that this is where he wants me. Thanks be to my Savior and my provider...more to come when I return home from my trip.


Beth said...

Congrats on the job! Will you be a classroom teacher, or something else? Even if this isn't your dream job, it can get you in the system and make it easier to find what you're looking for down the road.

*Jess* said...

Jaina attends a Title One school here with a heavy hispanic population and its been a wonderful experience for us. The teachers at her school honestly want to be there and love all the children unconditionally. I hope you find your home in your new school! :)