Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Our New Blessing!

After a few months of trying, we found out at the beginning of December that we would become a family of four in August-yes August again!  Here is the picture of our "bump" we saw in January. 
The funny thing is when we started trying I kept thinking I was pregnant because I "felt pregnant."  Then in November I didn't feel anything!  I was visiting my friend Erin in Atlanta and told her we were trying but I was pretty sure I was not pregnant because I didn't have any symptoms.   When I came home from that trip, I took a test just to see, and there were those two lines!  

I was so excited to tell Jason, I thought I would drive up to have lunch with him and stop and buy Spencer a big sister shirt on the way.  When I called Jason, I found out that he already had a lunch meeting set up so lunch was a no-go.  No biggie except the "big sister" shirt was at a store near his work over 30 minutes away.  So plan B-make my own "big sister" shirt and hope it turned out okay so she could wear it as Jason came in the door. 
Here is what I came up with at the last minute.  It did the job of announcing our big news.  We find out in March what we are having!

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