Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Whole Year!

Baby Spencer at one day old:

Baby Spencer at One Year Old:

It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone. Baby girl, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. At 12 months, you were not yet walking. But you could stand by yourself and walk by holding on to the furniture. You weighed 20 lbs. and 4 oz. (although we didn't like the new doctor and you were messing with the scale so that could be a little off) and you were 30 inches tall. You said: Momma, DaDa and Dog. And you loved your dogs. You had a total of 3 birthday parties-one with just mommy and daddy on your birthday, one at CeCe and PawPaw's house and one at Nana and Papa Jay's house.

Baby girl, we feel so blessed to be your parents and so glad God chose us for you. You continue to amaze us in how much your understand. Your favorite time at home is bath time. You love reading your books "What Makes a Rainbow" and your green caterpillar book. You put everything in your mouth and you are down to only one nap a day. You have 6 teeth and you enjoy "feeding" yourself-even if the food ends up all over you. You did not like your smash cake but you did enjoy some bread at your birthday and seeing all the balloons. You are a very brave girl who loves going up the stairs and trying to climb up things. You love swinging in your outside swing and giving Evee a hug.

Happy First Birthday Spencer! We love you.

Mommy and Daddy!

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