Wednesday, September 5, 2012

G.W.H 1 Month Old

Everything has happened all at once-August seems to be starting a pattern like this for our family much like December has been since Jason and I started dating.  In Grayson's first month, we celebrated Spencer's second birthday party, packed and cleaned Grayson's first home and moved to our new home.  Grayson has enjoyed his swing, being outside, letting his sister love on him, hanging out with the dogs, and hanging out with mommy at 4 am!

Our baby boy is now one month old!!!! I can't believe it. 

I am going to do better updating on our blog this time around.  Here is Grayson with the teddy bear my grandmother made for him.  In his first month he has grown so much. At his two week appointment he had not reached his birth weight-which I thought for sure he would have gained back to his 9 pounds 3 ounces based on his feeding.  He was 8 pounds and 13 ounces.  So we had to go back for our one month appointment and he was a whopping 10 pounds and 12 ounces!!!! Almost 2 whole pounds in two weeks!  He is wearing 3 month in clothing size because of his length and his feet are outgrowing some of his socks and shoes already!

He also lost his umbilical stump and got to enjoy his first bath!   Just like his sister he loves the water. 

He went to his first birthday party, his sister's, and his first non-family birthday party. 
This is what I wore for my sister's party.

Our friend Lincoln turned 5 and had a lego party so he and his sister dressed for the occasion!

Grayson had his name on a bilboard!  One thing the hospital will do here is put all the new babies' names on a bilboard-with parental permission of course.  In the hospital I gave permission to let his name be put up there but there is no way to be informed as to when a child's name will appear.  It said allow at least 48 hours after discharge but if there are a high volume of births, it may take longer.  When we when to Grayson's first doctor's appointment after leaving the hospital, it had been 48 hours after discharge and he was 4 days old.  So mom graciously drove us over to the sign in Savannah to see if the name was up there.  No name :(.  So we decided to get out again the next day to see if it had appeared.  I told myself that if it wasn't up there I would not continue to drive down to Savannah everyday even though I really wanted to see it.  Well, again, it had not appeared!  UGH!!! I felt like now even though I told myself it wasn't a big deal, I just thought, this would never happen again and I would regret not seeing it.  On Wednesday, it was POURING!!!!  Way to much weather to get out and about with two kids.  But on Thursday, I had an appointment in Savannah, so we drove by the sign again.  And there it was!!!

He was the first name written on the board!  I thought that the names were up there for just that day and then removed but they actually travel down the board because we happened to be in Savannah again on the next day and it was in the last place on the board.  So we got this picture when it first appeared. The picture below was on the last day it appeared:

Grayson also got to wear the "New Guy" Cape for Jason's work.  This is just a fun thing they do for all the workers new babies born.  The cape has been passed around to many kids! 

We still think Grayson look like his Uncle Will and PawPaw Crute- especially in his eyes. 

In his second month, Grayson will get to meet his great grandparents and go to his first wedding.

1 comment:

*Jess* said...

He is just adorable! And you sound as busy as me! :)