When Jason and I got married 5 years ago in December, we already knew that we wanted to wait a while before having children. Within 6 months of getting married, we added a new dog to our family and thus became a family of four-two humans and two canines. We were thinking about waiting 5 years before getting pregnant. Well, December 17th, one day before our 5th anniversary, we went to my OBGYN and had an ultrasound to confirm what we already knew: We are pregnant! Here is what we saw:

We were a little surprised because we were not trying to conceive. We were "planning" to start trying this summer but God knows better than us and decided to give us an early Christmas present.
Our Due date is August 11th. We went back to the doctor for our second appointment on January 14 and this is what we saw just four weeks later:

We heard the heartbeat at a rate of 146 beats per minute and the baby was moving around. The baby was measuring almost a week ahead and I am hoping for a date closer to July for the baby to come so I only have to endure as little as possible of a Texas summer pregnant. We should find out what we are having at the end of March or beginning of April. So far, I have not been sick or moody, which is a complete blessing. Please pray for continued health for me and the baby and we will keep you posted on new updates!
I'm so thrilled for you guys!!!
Jenni and Jason, I am so thrilled for you! This will be the cutest, smartest, most wonderful baby in the world. I am just so sorry that I will not get to be the in-school/Spartanburg Grandma for it.
I will continue to pray for your family, and plan to keep closer in touch. You two will be the most awesome parents ever. Take good care of each other. Love to all, Gail
Congratulations!! My due date with Eleanor was August 5. Yes, you will be VERY hot next summer (just prepare yourselves for a high electric bill), but it's totally worth it. :) Oh, and I'm totally thinking boy based on the HR and the no sickness thing. ;)
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
Woot Woot! So exciting. Congrats to you both! You'll make great parents.
YEAH!! That is so exciting! So happy for you guys!
Aw, congrats you guys!
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