When we found out in December we were expecting our baby, we were very excited but we had no idea how fast my pregnancy would fly by. When we had our 3D ultrasound, our girl was measuring ahead as usual-which made us think that we might have a baby before August 11th (our due date) arrived. I really wanted to her to arrive the Monday before her due date so her birthday would be 8/9/10. I even when to have a massage on Sunday the 8th to see if I could influence her arrival on Monday. It didn't really work but I did start to have cramping.
We went to our scheduled Dr. appointment on Tuesday, the day before our due date to make sure her size and heart rate were good. Much to our surprise, as I was on the monitor for 45 min, I was already dilated 1 cm and having 5-6 contractions an hour. The doctor asked us if we were ready because he thought she would surely be arriving the next morning. Our doctor told us to call him that afternoon so he could make sure there was room at the hospital and we would be checking that night.
We checked in and made new friends as our room was being prepared. We ended up with the biggest room on the corner-the one that can be pressurized if needed. Just like the one Jason had last fall when he had his gallbladder out. We settled in for the night and I was given some medicine to get things rolling a little faster. By the next morning, my water was broken and I was advancing from 1 to 2 to 3 and then to 5 cm. That was at 12:30 pm on Wednesday.
And at 3:00, 4:00, and 5:00, I was still at 5 cm. My parents, who started their journey Tuesday night, got to Sugar Land around 4:30. By this time my doctor had left on vacation and I was seeing another doctor from the practice I go to. Around 5:30, the doctor brought up what I dreaded hearing: c-section. I did not have a detailed birth plan other to do what was best for my baby and to breastfeed as soon as possible. But I really did not want a c-section. I wanted to deliver in the room I checked in to and hold my baby as soon as she was born. However, this was not to be because she was not coming down.
So we made the decision and things really started rolling. Jason was given some stylin' scrubs to wear and I was given a lovely cap to add to my hospital attire. Stockings and air compression socks were also added to my wardrobe. The anesthesiologist met me at the door to up my epidural and off we rolled down the hall to the operating room.
Within 10 minutes, I was prepped and ready, Jason was called in and our baby appeared at 6:40pm. I saw her bluish body and heard her scream as Jason went away with her to be cleaned up. All the c-sections I have seen on TV and heard from friends involved the mother getting cold. However, I was burning up and they kept putting heated blankets on me. I did get sick when they said, "You might get nauseated when we put your uterus back inside." The doctor did say that she appeared to be stuck and probably would have never come all the way down for normal delivery. (Her pediatrician said her head was a good size too,14.5 cm, so that may have prevented her descent!)Finally though, my hubby came back with our baby. She was pink and calm and perfect. And for a guy who had never held a baby-he was doing great. She was so happy in her daddy's arms. And she was ready to eat. They finished up with me and off we rolled, with Jason and Spencer following behind my bed.
We had our entire small group from our church waiting on us as we entered our room. But first Miss Spencer needed to eat and thankfully she took to feeding very naturally. One of the things I was looking forward to after having my baby was eating a nice, big Bacon Turkey Bravo from Panera Bread. I hadn't eaten one in nine months because of the Gouda cheese and I was hoping to have one right after I delivered...but not with a c-section. I also couldn't eat the lovely cake that Mandy made for our little one-complete with two big tiger paws and one small one. I had to wait another day to have some real food.
But it was all worth it...because our baby girl is here, with a beautiful round head...and BROWN hair-not sure where this came from but it has natural highlights in it.

I love my fingers!

My daddy caught my first smile outside mommy!

Sleeping on PawPaw's chest in my little big girl dress!