Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dear W.

Now, I know what you are I am not writing a letter to our former President. Now that school has been out about 2 weeks I am starting to miss "my buddy" that was my kindergarten sidekick for most of my time this past year. W-as he will be called on here-was a special boy with a big heart. I till crack up laughing when he said to the aides on our last day-"Mrs. Hardy, Ms. Fletcher and me ride el-e-va-tooor mañana?" To which we replied: Si W! He continued on telling stories about the fish biting his finger as he gave the fish food-even though he quickly dropped in the food and jerked is fingers away before touching the aquarium. Then on that last day, he kissed us all goodbye as we walked hand in hand down the hall to his bus.

I guess for me it will never get old or cease to amaze me all the lessons and laughs I get to experience with children. This was one of the joys of teaching and working with children that I really never knew about until I had my own class 5 years ago. Sadly, more often than not, I do remember the names and faces of those kids that seem to cause the most headaches and worries. I have often been accused of "caring too much" for my students but I feel that I just happen to be a young teacher who understands the responsiblity I have in the lives and learning of my students. It has also been my experience that these not-always-pleasant kids I keep pushing to the limit to do their best until the last day, leave me with some of the greatest stories and lessons in life. So even though my students my may never know how hard I worked in their interest or what smiles they have brought to my face, I thought I would take a moment to write this one a letter.

Dear W.,

I will never forget my first day working at your school in kindergarten. All everyone asked me was: Have you met W yet? Unforunately, you were not there on my first day but I was assured that when I saw you, I would know immediately. Then came my second day. When I finally got to meet you. And my life was changed forever.

W., you brought so many smiles to my face this year. Even though you were taller than the other kids and sometimes ate the play dough, that is not what made you stand out to me. It was the size of your heart and your bravery as you faced a whole new world to you. You see, I had read books about kids like you, with autism, and I have even interacted with a few other great children like you. But W. you were just W. And so our journey together began.

You patiently let me struggle with you in speaking your native language and I kept trying to instruct you in my own native tongue. You taught me some words and listened to mine and by the end of the year we were both speaking Spanglish! W. you amazed me in how much you could learn and how quickly you could learn it. You knew how to read more words than your classmates in books and could type your numbers up to 100. Not to mention that you also knew how to say them in English and Spanish. I loved taking our imaginary trips on el Continental Avión on the playground and the Thomas train you set up in the classroom. I just hope that every time you fly on a plane, the stewards make sure to show you the exits at the right time or you might have to help them out!

Don't get me wrong W., we had our good days...and our less than good days. I remembered how frustrated you made me when I wanted to show you how to add and subtract using the computer but you continued to type from memory: "w w w . p b s k i d s . o r g enter" to go to Ja Ja or George. I also remember when I frustrated you and you just broke down to cuddle with your friend Curious George on the floor. But then you would get up, ready yourself for another trip or give me a hug and we would start over.

W. you were the best student and teacher to me for making me realize to focus on what people-kids and adults-can do and not look at what they cannot accomplish. You made me look at and appreciate what people are and not what I wish they would be or what they are not. W., I hope that you know when people look at you as a different kind of person that you know you may be different but you are more. You are more loving. More creative. More intuitive than they will ever know. You may not do things like them but you can do them in a different way and sometimes better than they can.

W. I will miss you as you go on to your next year and a new journey begins all over for you. I hope that you continue to learn and teach everyone around you. I hope that you get to show your big heart to your classmates and that they treat you like one of them. I hope your teacher sees how quickly you absorb knowledge and use it in your own world. I also hope that your future teachers can keep up with you when you run out to the elevator or go upstairs when you feel the need to escape!

Finally, W., I want to thank you. Thank you for being you and letting me in your world for just a fraction of your life. You will always be the kid with the biggest heart, deep in the heart of Texas!

Your kindergarten buddy,

Mrs. Hardy

P.S. I hope that my Spanglish doesn't confuse you in growing up bilingual!

W. and another buddy
(This is my favorite pic from this school year)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fav Fotos

I got a new digital SLR camera for Christmas. While I will never be a pro, I do enjoying messing around sometimes. Here are some of my favorite pics from Christmas on.

Yeah, Yeah, I know I need to write more...

Well, as with many of my adventures in journaling/blogging...I sometimes have a lapse in time but I do eventually come back. So what has been going on? Well first, SCHOOLSSSS OUT FOR SUMMER! So I finished out the school year as a kinder aide and I enjoyed getting to know so many students and teachers. It was nice to be able to travel around to different teacher's rooms and see all there neat ideas and creative ways to engage students. I also have a job teaching next year...but the kicker is that I don't know which grade yet. I could potientally be any where from 1st all the way to 6th. The district I work in tends to hire you then figure out where they need you based on the real numbers-meaning I could get moved even after the school year starts. We are praying that I find out this summer and get to stay in that position. I am really excited about the school I will be working at because the staff strives to reach for the kids success and is very knowledgeable about instructional techniques. I will post when I find out what I will be teaching.

And being that we live in Texas-our summer actually started about a month ago according to the heat index. It is hot already but we are swimming a lot and staying cool. We are coming home for about 2 weeks in July and we hope to get around to seeing our friends and family.

Jason is still doing well. His job is very busy but, based on the economy, I am glad there is more to do rather than less. Evee and Tilly are still about the same. Houston weather can really bring out a dog's allergies though. Tilly has had to don a lovely plastic collar so that she won't scratch/bit at her bug bites on two occasions already.

I also went home to see my parents and grandparents for Spring Break. My grandmother was a litttle less than thrilled with my new was the first thing she told my uncle on his long-distance phone call.

OH...and the other thing that is going on here...all of our friends are having babies. I guess that is not just going on here but at home and with our other college friends to-Michelle, Dana, Claire, Mandy, Shannon, Beth, Shelley-Shout out of congratulations to you all! This is my current favorite shower gift if the baby(ies) is a boy.

Well...I will blog more later to catch up on other events as I remember them. Until then...have a great day everyone!